Chicken Enchiladas

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Maybe it is the cheese, maybe it is the unique spices, maybe it is . . . just yummy, but we {my family and I} love Mexican-style food. I know that what is normally called Mexican food, such as Taco Bell, is not really Mexican food, but that is what I refer to it as. "Mexican Food" identifies a distinct flavor and style.

One of our favorite Mexican-style dishes is Chicken Enchiladas. There are so many versions of this basic dish, but this one is simple and scrumptious. I think the key to this recipe is the whipping cream. While baking, it fluffs into a rich creamy topping.

The first time I visited my sister-in-law at her home in Illinois, she made this for us. The recipe actually came from another sister-in-law who has a reputation for being a wonderful cook. This dish is a testimony to her culinary skills. I have changed it slightly, mostly by adding the chopped cilantro and more green chilies.

Chicken Enchiladas
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp butter
2 4 oz cans of diced green chilies
8 oz cream cheese
3 c cooked chicken, chopped
12 10 oz flour tortillas
3 c Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
2 c whipping cream
Nonstick spray
1 handful fresh cilantro leaves, chopped

Saute onions in butter until they begin to brown. Add chilies and cream cheese to pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until cream cheese is melted. Remove from heat. Add cooked chicken to cream cheese mixture; stir well.

Scoop a couple of spoonfuls of mixture onto middle of each tortilla. Sprinkle a bit of Monterey Jack cheese on top of chicken mixture. Roll tortillas and place in two 13x9" rectangular casserole dishes which have been coated with nonstick spray. Pour whipping cream over tortillas. Sprinkle with remaining Monterey Jack cheese.

Bake enchiladas in 350 degree oven for 40-50 minutes. Top enchiladas with chopped cilantro just before serving.

Make Ahead Tip~
To make these ahead of time, assemble the enchiladas but do not pour whipping cream over top or sprinkle with cheese topping. Then cover well and refrigerate or freeze. When it's time to bake them, pull them out and add the whipping cream and cheese topping. Bake as usual {for forzen ones, add about 20 minutes}.


  1. OK - Cream cheese, Jack cheese and whipping could these be anything but stupendous!
    I think my family would love these as well - I know I would! Thanks!

  2. You had me a 2 cups of whipping cream! Wow this sounds fantastic. And my thighs, bottom and upper arm wings will love it too! Yet another good recipe to try from you! Thanks!

  3. We love enchiladas! YUM!

  4. Rindy- That is a winning combination every time isn't it?!

    Robin- Whipping cream makes everything taste good. I wonder what it would do for Brussels sprouts?

    Sandy- Hopefully you'll try these:)

  5. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Wow! My recipe doesn't have whipping cream! Sounds yummy!

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I've always used cream cheese but I love the whipping cream yummy is that!

  7. Hi! I can't recall how I found your blog but I wanted to tell you that I made these today and they were awesome!
    I have 7 kids as well and I'm always looking for new dinner ideas!
    Thank You!


Catching my breath. Be back ASAP.