
Roast Chicken Chopped Salad~ Make Ahead

Roast chicken chopped salad, it is so delicious, but I do not make it often enough.  Even though it is a relatively simple meal, it is somewhat time and attention consuming with all the preparation.  Since it is a salad that is rather enjoyable chilled, it makes an excellent make ahead meal.

The combination of vegetables and roast chicken make this salad really scrumptious.  The simple technique of roasting chicken that still has the bone and skin intact gives a delicious and juicy piece of meat without a fuss, just a bit of salt and pepper are the only seasoning necessary.  The trick is to leave the skin on after it has roasted and rested for a bit.

Once you have cooked and prepped all the ingredients, assemble them in a container that can be sealed~ a glass bowl that can be covered tightly with plastic wrap or an air tight storage bowl.

Why make a salad ahead of time?  Most of the work of making a fine salad is the preparation of the ingredients, which can drain your zeal for sitting and being sociable while enjoying your work.  Preparing the ingredients ahead of time allows you to make it for~
* a dinner party
* lunches {store in individual size containers with dressing separate}
* dinner for the next day
Serve with a crusty loaf of bread and butter to complete the meal.

Roast Chicken Chopped Salad
2 chicken breasts with ribs and skin intact
salt and pepper
2 hearts of romaine
3 ears of corn
6 oz goat cheese
1 lg English cucumber
2 roma tomatoes
3 green onions
1 c croutons
1/2 c dried cranberries
champagne vinaigrette {recipe follows}

Preheat oven to 375F.  Place chicken in shallow dish or roasting pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake for 1 hour {continue preparing remainder of salad while chicken roasts}.  Remove from oven and let rest, with skin still intact, for 15 minutes.  Remove skin and allow meat to cool enough to handle.  Cut off bone and slice into strips.  Wrap in butcher or wax paper.

Bring a small pot of water to a boil; add corn cobs and cook for 5 minutes.  Remove from boiling water and submerge in ice bath for 2-3 minutes.  Remove from ice bath and slice corn off cob.  Place in baggie.

Chop hearts of romaine, rinse and dry.  Place in large bowl.  Crumble goat cheese; place in baggie.   Peel and dice cucumber; place in sandwich bag.  Dice tomatoes; place in sandwich bag.  Slice greens of onions; place in baggie.  Place croutons and cranberries in separate baggies.

Layer all ingredients in their separate bags on top of lettuce in bowl.  Cover bowl and store in refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.  Assemble salad by layering all ingredients and drizzling with vinaigrette.  Toss lightly and serve.

Champagne Vinaigrette
1/2 c champagne wine vinegar
1/3 c grape seed oil
2 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper

Put all ingredients in a jar; shake vigorously.  Serve over chopped salad.

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